Environmental Regulation ....................................................................................2 Political Climate ......................................................................................................3 Economic Issues ......................................................................................................4 Social Legislation ....................................................................................................5 This book..................................................................................................................5

Your project is stopped! The community is outraged that you are not hiring locally. The press is following the politicians around as they claim you are creating an eyesore for their constituents. The building department seems to be slow in issuing permits for your particular project and no one knows why. An ancestral burial ground has been unearthed on your site right next to the leaking oil tank from the land-marked outhouse that you were going to demolish until the preservationists started screaming. And then an adorable whooping crane couple decides to nest in your de-watering zone. You sigh and decide to go around the corner for a cup of coffee only to discover that one of the community activists has put your photograph on a web page, and you are being mobbed by angry neighbors.