Over the lass few years. interest in geneticallg. 111anipu1h-g in\w:ebrates has increased. and recentiy de'.e!oped technologies have revoiutioni~ed the ability to engineer insecs geix~ically. One of the crilical issues for iasect rra.nsformalioe is the abiiity to readily differentiae between transformed and untransforned indiviclui?..ls. At present. genetic manipulatioi~ lcl..cks spec'ificiry in t e rm or' being able to target genome sites for integration of heterologous DNA. As a resu':t, a gi~ren transfomction experiment may p rodxe individuals that have different numbers of inserf ons and clifken!: insertionai sites. Due to pesitional eflecr. ;he phei~otypes of these differerr; iniii-id?_rals may 1-zry. Consequently. il is ilnportant to identity cra~zsfonned individuals quickly so h i t separate, pure transgenic ?ines may be reared and tested for the desired phenotype.