The Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) interface allows small thin cards to be plugged into laptop, notebook or palmtop computers. It was originally designed for memory cards (Version 1 .O) but has since been adopted for many other types of adapters (Version 2.0), such as fax/modems, sound cards, local area network cards, CDROM controllers, digital I10 cards, and so on. Most PCMCIA cards comply with either PCMCIA Type I1 or Type 111. Type I cards are 3.3 mm thick, Type I1 take cards up to 5 mm thick, Type I11 allows cards up to 10.5 mm thick. A new standard, Type IV, takes cards which are greater than 10.5 mm. Type I1 interfaces can accept Type I cards, Type I11 accept Types I and I1 and Type IV interfaces accept Types I, I1 and 111.