This chapter introduces some of the modern signal processing ideas that can be used to perform detection and/or parameter estimation. It examines two powerful techniques used in many applications, the periodogram and the spectrogram. The periodogram and the spectrogram provide information about power as a function of frequency and as a function of frequency and time, respectively. The processing gain of the periodogram is essentially 3 dB per doubling of the ast Fourier transform length, provided the sinusoid under investigation stays in one spectral bin, where the spectral bin width is halved every time the integration time is doubled. All spectral components, including stable sinusoids, have an inherent frequency stability and bandwidth. Cyclo-stationary processing performs a spectral correlation between the sidebands relative to a given spectral signal location. The resultant output surface obtained by cyclo-stationary processing will convey more information than a conventional power spectral density if the auto-correlation function of the signal of interest tends to be periodic.