Limonene in Citrus ...................................................................222 14.5 Metabolism of


Limonene ..........................................................................223 14.6 Limonene and Tumor Regression ................................................................223 14.7 Conclusion ....................................................................................................225 References..............................................................................................................226

The Mediterranean region spans 3 continents and more than 15 countries connected by blue seas and magnificent terrain. The Mediterranean area is a world of its own and the Mediterranean lifestyle is a mix of cultures and cuisines. Recent medical research has shown that this cuisine is much better for our health than the typical American diet. While the preparation and seasonings vary from country to country, the people of the Mediterranean region all eat larger amounts of vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains; use olive oil as the main source of fat; and consume moderate amounts of protein, primarily from fish and poultry. By embracing the new trend towards healthier eating, we need to adopt the types of cooking which were developed several decades ago around the Mediterranean Sea.