This chapter explains computer control. Technicians can tie the string around the robotic arms to interface them with the sensors to measure the joint angles. Technicians can have a personal computer or a microcontroller as the brain of the robotic arm. Through careful programming, technicians can accurately position the robotic arm to perform various complicated movements in sequence. Hobbyists in robotics and other fields use mini servomotors widely. A servomotor consists of a direct current (DC) motor, a gear box, a variable resistor for feedback, and an electronic control board. The difference between the input voltage and the voltage fed back from the variable resistor is applied to the DC motor. Then the DC motor rotates the gear box and the variable resistor attached to the gear box. The difference in voltage will be large when the pulse is applied, and will gradually decrease, since the voltage on the variable resistor will increase after the gears turn the resistor.