Human technology excels at its ability to manipulate electrons in the form of electronic circuitry, measuring signals, and processing data. In electroanalytical techniques, chemical analysis is incorporated into the electronics, typically in the form of an electrochemical cell, in which the electrode acts as a transducer to convert

chemical signals in to electronic signals. Similarly, electroanalytical techniques can be classi ed according to the three fundamental electrical parameters of voltage or potential (E), resistance (R), and current (i). These terms are related via Ohm’s law, which is E = i.R. The conductance of a solution (G) is the inverse of resistance (G = 1/R). Potentiometric-based detection systems measure potential in volts (V) under conditions where i essentially equals zero; conductimetric detectors measure solution conductance in siemens (S); and amperometric detectors measure current in amperes (A) as a function of applied potential. Every imaginable approach to electroanalysis can be traced back to the manipulation of the fundamental parameters of E, i, and R.