We are now going to move away from neural networks and take a rather different approach, starting with one of the most common and powerful data structures in the whole of computer science: the binary tree. The computational cost of making the tree is fairly low, but the cost of using it is even lower: O(logN), where N is the number of data points. This is important for machine learning, since querying the trained algorithm should be as fast as possible since it happens more often, and the result is often wanted immediately. This is sufficient to make trees seem attractive for machine learning. However, they do have other benefits, such as the fact that they are easy to understand (following a tree to get a classification answer is transparent, which makes people trust it more than getting an answer from a ‘black box’ neural network). For these reasons, classification by decision trees has grown in popularity over recent years. You are very likely to have been subjected to decision trees if you’ve ever phoned a helpline, for example for computer faults. The phone operators are guided through the decision tree by your answers to their questions. The idea of a decision tree is that we break classification down into a set of

choices about each feature in turn, starting at the root (base) of the tree and progressing down to the leaves, where we receive the classification decision. The trees are very easy to understand, and can even be turned into a set of if-then rules, suitable for use in a rule induction system.