The old saying has it that two heads are better than one. Which naturally leads to the idea that even more heads are better than that, and ends up with decision by committee, which is famously useless for human activities (as in the old joke that a camel is a horse designed by a committee). For machine learning methods the results are rather more impressive, as we’ll see in this chapter. The basic idea is that by having lots of learners that each get slightly

different results on a dataset-some learning certain things well and some learning others-and putting them together, the results that are generated will be significantly better than any one of them on its own (provided that you put them together well... otherwise the results could be significantly worse). One analogy that might prove useful is to think about how your doctor goes about performing a diagnosis of some complaint that you visit her with. If she cannot find the problem directly, then she will ask for a variety of tests to be performed, e.g., scans, blood tests, consultations with experts. She will then aggregate all of these opinions in order to perform a diagnosis. Each of the individual tests will suggest a diagnosis, but only by putting them together can an informed decision be reached. Figure 7.1 shows the basic idea of ensemble learning, as these methods are

collectively called. Given a relatively simple binary classification problem and some learner that puts an ellipse around a subset of the data, combining the ellipses can provide a considerably more complex decision boundary. There are then only a couple of questions to ask: which learners should we

use, how should we ensure that they learn different things, and how should we combine their results? The methods that we are investigating in this chapter can use any classifier at all. Although in general they only use one type of classifier at a time, they do not have to. A common choice of classifier is the decision tree (see Chapter 6). Ensuring that the learners see different things can be performed in different

ways, and it is the primary difference between the algorithms that we shall see. However, it can also come about naturally depending upon the application area. Suppose that you have lots and lots of data. In that case you could simply randomly partition the data and give different sets of data to different classifiers. Even here there are choices: do you make the partitions separate,

FIGURE 7.1: By combining lots of simple classifiers (here that simply put an elliptical decision boundary onto the data), the decision boundary can be made much more complicated, enabling the difficult separation of the pluses

from the circles.