Imagine you are browsing an e-commerce site, such as Amazon, Chapters-Indigo. ca, or JCPenney.com, with the goal of searching for and comparing products you are interested in purchasing, such as household cleaning products, books, CDs, or clothing. Depending on the specific goal of your shopping activity (browse, search, compare, purchase), you may wish to conduct a more in-depth product search/comparison or you may choose to conduct a broader, loosely based search/product comparison to arrive at a final purchase decision. In one instance, you wish to systematically evaluate all products in relation to all corresponding features (attributes) in terms of your

15.1 Consumer Decision Making, E-Commerce, and User-Centered Design ......................................................................... 235

15.2 Methods ..................................................................................................... 237 15.2.1 Data Mining ................................................................................. 237 15.2.2 Rough Sets ................................................................................... 237 15.2.3 An Illustrative Example of CRSA and DRSA ............................. 238

15.3 Framework, Analysis, and Evaluation .......................................................240 15.3.1 CRSA-Eclat Framework .............................................................. 241 15.3.2 DRSA Framework ........................................................................244 15.3.3 Discussion ....................................................................................246