Overview Enterprise provisioning involves the management activities, business processes and technologies governing the creation, modification, and deletion of user access rights and privileges to an organization’s IT systems, applications, and physical assets. Any system that attempts to resolve this business issue must address the challenge of tiered role management. From an IT perspective this involves mapping roles as user groups, where roles represent IT access privileges across multiple application domains. One accomplishes this by assigning role membership assignment modes, and allowing direct assignment by an administrator, based on business rule matching. To validate the implementation of business rules in an IT setting, any provisioning solution must include audit and compliance features. In a tiered role management environment where roles represent IT access privileges, this takes the form of resource-level segregation of duties (SoD) implemented as an attestation of access rights of a user and access to a resource. In this paradigm, roles become Oracle Identity Management resource objects and represent IT access privileges across multiple application within role membership assignment modes.