Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) is a noninvasive, portable, and relatively inexpensive method widely used in health-related studies and clinical medicine. When applied to b ody composition a nalysis, B IA p rovides e stimates o f mo rphological a nd physiological parameters such as fat-a nd fat-free mass (FFM), body cell mass, tissue hydration, basal metabolic rate, and others. e use of bioelectrical impedance diagnostics relies on the in uence of certain diseases and homeostatic conditions on the local c ellular ele ctrical c ircuitry a nd t he re spective c hanges i n behavior with respect to t he applied current frequency pattern. Typically, BIA includes electrodes positioning on the borders of body s egment u nder s tudy a nd me asurement o f i mpedance parameters at single or multiple frequencies using a specialized measurement de vice-the bioelectric i mpedance a nalyzer. e most popular areas of BIA application include objective control of obesity treatment procedures as well as estimates of patients’ hydration status in intensive care units, including hemodialysis. is chapter will describe the electronic foundation of BIA and will provide several clinical applications. e technical basis of BIA measurements is described followed by examples of speci c diagnostic applications.