How long does it take to prepare a full business plan? ........................................................ 161 Does preparing a business plan violate obligations to my current employer? ................. 164 Using business planning software ........................................................................................... 166 What investors are looking for in a good (fundable) business plan ................................... 169 Researching the market and the competitors ......................................................................... 173 Avoiding “overselling” or “inaccuracies” in your business plan ....................................... 190 Ratings on different software ................................................................................................... 193 Sample business plan organization ......................................................................................... 195

At this stage, you most likely have an idea that has morphed into a business concept, one that you hope to make money at. The next step, as discussed by Sabeer Bhatia in the quote above, is to move this general concept into a usable action plan. Setting out the plan for the business points your business in the right direction and keeps you focused on the key business objectives.