The schematic of the power cycle is presented in Figure 5.1 and is similar to the gas-red version; see Figure 2.14 in Chapter 2. Ambient air enters compressor 1 which, following compression, is heated up to approximately 800 to 900°C in heat exchanger 3 by the ue gases exiting turbine 6. The hot pressurized air then enters the ITM oxygen ceramic, 4, which separates the air into a relatively high pressure oxygendepleted air stream and pure oxygen, the latter penetrating the membrane and mixing with the CO2 ow exiting turbine 9. The ow of swept oxygen and CO2 forms an oxidizer for the fuel gas entering combustor 7. The hot pressurized oxygen-depleted air stream leaving reactor 4 is expanded in turbine 5 before being discharged to the atmosphere. The ue gas mixture of CO2 and H2O exiting combustion chamber 7 (at approximately 1300-1600°C) is expanded in low pressure turbine, 6, before being cooled in exchanger 3, recuperator 10, and cooling tower 13. At ambient temperature, the water in the ue gas mixture is in liquid form while the CO2 remains gaseous. The bulk of the water, therefore, is deected out of the cycle in 12. Almost pure CO2 enters the multistaged inter-cooled compressor, 11, where a fraction of highly compressed (200-300 bars), supercritical or liquid CO2 is deected out of the cycle in 14 to be sequestered. The major portion of the CO2 is heated in 10 before being expanded in the high pressure turbine, 9, down to approximately 15 to 40 bars. The CO2 then enters the permeate side of 4 to sweep oxygen.