These modications on atmosphere composition inside the packaging lms lead to a reduction in respiration rate produce, and consequently reduced losses in stored energy reserves occur in plant products. In addition, fruit stored under MAP conditions show a prevention or retardation of the ripening process and associated biochemical and physiological changes and growth inhibition of many spoilage microorganisms; thus, signicant increases in fruit and vegetable shelf life can be achieved. Nevertheless, the most important use actually of MAP technique is for packaged salads and fresh-cut vegetables, and to a lesser extension for fresh-cut fruits, such as cantaloupe melons, pineapple, and apple (Kader et al., 1989; Kader and Watkins, 2000; Al-Ati and Hotchkiss, 2003; Artés et al., 2007). In addition, it is necessary to take into account that MA packages should be carefully designed for each particular commodity, otherwise it may be ineffective or it may even shorten the shelf life of the produce.