Many organizations have a System or Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) to ensure that a

carefully planned and repeatable process is used to develop systems. The SDLC typically includes

stages that guide the project team in proposing, obtaining approval for, generating requirements for,

designing, building and testing, deploying, and maintaining a system. However, many SDLCs do not

take security into consideration adequately, resulting in the productionalization of insecure systems.

Even in cases where there are security components in the SDLC, security is oftentimes the sacrificial

lamb in a compressed project delivery timeframe. This neglect brings risk to the organization, and

creates an operational burden on the IT staff, resulting in the need for costly, difficult, and time-

consuming security retrofitting. In a climate where the protection of information is increasingly tied

to an organization’s integrity, security needs to be strongly coupled with the system development

process to ensure that new systems maintain or improve the current security level of

the organization.