Description: The cocoa tree is cultivated mainly in Central and South America and equatorial Africa. It grows naturally to a height of 10 to 12 m, bears large, sparse, lanceolated leaves and produces small blossoms in clusters and fruits (pods) containing many almond-shaped seeds. The fruit of the cacao tree is approximately 30 cm in length, which grows on the trunk and large branches of the plant. Contained within the pod are about 40 seeds, or beans, that are used in the processing of all cocoa products. The parts used are the seeds, either toasted or fermented. Although several varieties of cacao exist, the forasstero variety from West Africa accounts for more than 90% of world production. Cacao is generally used to describe the crude material, while cocoa is used to describe the processed products. Cacao (cocoa) has a cocoa ˆavor and aroma. The characteristic bitter taste of cocoa is due to the reaction of diketopiperazines with theobromine during roasting. Cocoa products „nd extensive uses in foods.