Let F 0 ,…,Fr be generic polynomials ≠ 0 in Q ( k )[T 0,…,Tn ], k a noetlie-rian integral domain. In this section we study the field extension corresponding to the inclusion Q ( k ) / ℌ * ∩ Q ( k ) → H ( k ) = Q ( k ) [ T , T − 1 ] / ( F 0 , … , F r ) https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429064265/27e88de8-b4c2-47de-a1e8-3cf9bc1ec436/content/unequ9_75_1.tif"/> of integral domains, where H* is the principal component of (F 0 ,…,Fr ) introduced in the last section.