Chapter 5 Dimension Theoretic Properties of Rings of Invariants In the previous chapters we have learned some of the basic finiteness prop­ erties of rings of polynomial invariants of finite groups: the finiteness of the number of generators and bounds for their number and degrees. In addition to the number of generators there are other measures of finiteness. For exam­ ple, in a Noetherian ring A every ascending chain of ideals must eventually stabilize: but for a given ring A is there an upper bound on the length of such a sequence? For arbitrary ideals the answer must be no, as for x € A one has for each integer k the chain of ideals

so if x is not nilpotent this yields an ascending chain of arbitrary length. By restricting our attention to prime ideals however we receive a useful invariant called the Krull dimension of A. This is the first of the further finiteness properties we investigate.