Cereals were the first and most important foods for early primitive humans, and today they continue to contribute most of the calories and proteins for at least half of the world’s population that inhabits poor and developing areas around the globe. Cereals were probably first consumed raw and then ground with primitive artifacts such as stone mills to produce whole or semirefined flours that were diluted with water and cooked into gruels. These foods evolved when they were unintentionally naturally fermented. The fermenting flora enhanced flavor and nutritional value, and protected consumers from pathogenic bacteria. From these earliest foods evolved the first breads obtained from fermented doughs or batters, which were baked on hot clay griddles. Traditional foods are ancient and easy to manufacture, and their preparation usually only requires simple cooking utensils and techniques that have been passed down through generations. Many traditional foods are currently produced by sophisticated and high-capacity equipment that has replaced the in-house labor requirement.