INTRODUCTION :flroughout the histo ry of metallurgical processing, quenching treatments have had m important role in the production and control of a lloy microstructures. Indeed he early development of rapid solidifica tion o riginated with the attempts by D uwez tnd co-workers [1] to modify an equil ibrium solidification structure by a rapid 1uenching of the liquid alloy. D uwez based this approach on some of the earlier vork by Falkenhagen and Hoffmann [2] where initial nucleation undercoolings and :ooling rates up to 105 K/s were determined fo r a number of metals and alloys . ~ u i ld i n g on these initial successes . subsequent studies established a survey of a vide range of alloy systems and interesting metallurgical structures as reviewed by :ahn [3] and Jones [4] . In addition, a good deal of early work in the fie ld focused m equipment invention and evaluation , most notably the development of melt pinning by Pond [5].