A 75-year-old woman presented to the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain. She had been feeling unwell for 3 days with fatigue, malaise, loss of appetite and right-sided abdominal pain. The pain was dull and constant in nature and graded at 4/10 in severity. It did not radiate and there were no clear exacerbating or relieving factors. She had been reviewed by her general practitioner (GP) 2 days earlier who had prescribed a course of trimethoprim for a presumed urinary tract infection. The patient denied any symptoms of dysuria or urinary frequency. Her bowels were open every 2–3 days with no diarrhoea and she did not feel nauseated. She had no other past medical history and took no regular medications. She had never smoked and did not drink alcohol. She lived alone and was independent for all activities of daily living.