A 70-year-old man was brought to the emergency department after collapsing at the theatre. He described feeling weak over the hours leading up to his collapse. He was unsure if he had lost consciousness and was unable to describe the event in detail. He denied preceding palpitations or chest pain. He also relayed a history of around 10–15 episodes of diarrhoea over the preceding 48 hours but otherwise felt well. The diarrhoea was described as watery, brown stool with no blood or mucus present. His past medical history included aplastic anaemia and complete heart block, for which he had a pacemaker in situ, and a right-sided total knee replacement that had been performed 2 years earlier. His regular medications were ciclosporin, citalopram, diazepam, vitamin B12 and folic acid (doses unknown). He was a retired irrigation engineer who lived with his wife and grandson.