With the advent of teraflop, massively parallel computers, research is moving toward an engineering process in which decisions wi l l increasingly be supported by computational simulations with decreasing experimental validation. Emerging, high fidelity simulations are of a magnitude unprecedented in computational size, scope of technical issues, spatial and temporal resolution, complexity in terms of coupled multiphysics phenomena, and comprehensiveness in terms of parameter-space that is being explored. However, the use of advanced simulations on teraflop computers, is impeded by an inadequate knowledge base. To expand this knowledge base, advances are required in the fundamental sciences and engineering that form the foundation of all computational analyses. Advances are needed in broad classes of technical development: the fidelity of the simulation models, experimental discovery necessary for the determination of the models and their validations, uncertainty quantification of the resulting computations, and computational techniques for the solution of the simulation models on high performance computing platforms. Sandia and N S F jointly have funded proposals that address these modeling and simulation advances in several focus areas: Solid Mechanics, Thermal Transport and Engineering Design (which includes the sub-areas of Design Theory and Modeling and Simulation Uncertainty). Detailed information of the scope of each of the focus areas is given below.