First consider the problem of the viscous-stress tensor in a twotemperature partially ionized gas [1,2]. When simplifying the determinants to be used in putting down the kinetic coefficients of interest, the following small parameters will be essentially used:

used to define the partial viscous-stress tensor (6.1.2), we have


To an accuracy up to the values of the order of (69)3/ 2 with respect to the terms left after the expansion, the determinants lal 1 ja•j and ja••j are equal to



Using Eqs. (7.1.2) and (7.1.3) in the expressions (6.1.9), it is easy to find that at /3~ < 1 to an accuracy up to the terms 6112(1>12 with respect to the terms left the electron viscosity coefficients are defined by the expressions (6.2.5) obtained earlier from Eqs. (6.2.2) written for the electron species neglecting the cross terms, i.e.