Item hours £ £


Bored; trlpod-mounted percussion rig Backfilling empty bore with selected excavated material

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Permanent casings; each Ienglh not exceeding 13m

diameter 1500 mm; to 500mm diameter pile 0 0 0 Cutting off st.rplus lengths

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Preparing heads

Bored; lorry/crawler mourdld roIary rig Backfilling empty bore with selected excavated material

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Permanent casings; each length not exceeding 13m

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Permanent casings; each length exceeding 13 m

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Enlarged bases

diameter 1500 mm; to 500mm diameter pile 0 0 0 Cutting off sll'Plus lengths

diameter 500mm 0 0 0 Preparing heads

Bored; continuous flight suger Backfilling empty bore with selected excavated material

Permanent casings; each length not exceeding 13m

Unit £ rate £

0 m 2.88

0 m 9.22

0 m 10.02

0 nr 223.32

0 m 24.84

0 nr 37.28

0 m 2.88

0 m 9.22

0 m 10.02

0 nr 223.32

0 m 24.84

0 nr 37.28

0 m 2.37 0 m 3.25 0 m 3.55

0 m 13.53 0 m 15.98 0 m 18.48

0 m 8.78 0 m 10.02 0 m 204.18

0 nr 204.18 0 nr 248.84 0 nr 151.04

0 m 21.73 0 m 31.04 0 m 37.28

Item hours £ £

Bored; conanuoua flight auger· conlnuecl Preparing heads

450 mm diameter piles - - - 600 mm diameter piles - - - 750 mm diameter piles - - - Collection from around pile heads of spoil accruing from piling operations and depositing in spoil heaps (For final disposal see Section F2 - Earthworks DiSposal) - - -

Reinforcement; mild ataaI Straight bars, nominal size

Reinforcement; high tensile steel Straight bars, nominal size

Couplers; Lenton type A; threaded ends on reinforcing bars

12mm 0.09 8.37 - 16mm 0.09 8.37 - 20mm 0.09 8.37 - 25mm 0.09 8.37 - 32mm 0.09 8.37 - 40mm 0.09 8.37 -

Couplers; Lenton type 8; threaded ends on reinforcing bars

12mm 0.09 8.37 - 16mm 0.09 8.37 - 20mm 0.09 8.37 - 25mm 0.09 8.37 -


£ rate £

- nr 23.25 - nr 37.26 - nr 55.87

- m3 2.47

- t 882.01 - t 788.70 - t 777.94 - t 789.33 - t 733.83 - t 638.05 - t 838.12 - t 658.57

- t 971.87 - t 849.48 - t 847.88 - t 822.67

- t 907.08 - t 793.50 - t 772.56 - t 781.80 - t 729.51 - t 832.88 - t 833.73 - t 854.19 - t 987.78 - t 884.03 - t 837.12 - t 828.36

8.47 nr 18.84 9.74 nr 18.12

13.88 nr 22.25 18.81 nr 27.18 25.90 nr 34.27 35.72 nr 44.10

24.03 nr 32.41 27.50 nr 35.88 30.51 nr 38.88 35.20 nr 43.58


32mm 40mm


General Preparing heads

235 x 235 mm piles 275 x 275 mm piles 350 x 350 mm piles


Douglas Fir Cutting off sll'plus lengths

cross-sectional area: 0.025-0.05 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.05-0.1 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.1-0.15 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.15-0.25 m2

Preparing heads cross-sectional area: 0.025-0.05 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.05-0.1 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.1-0.15 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.15-0.25 m2

Greenheart Cutting off surplus lengths

cross-sectional area: 0.025-0.05 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.05-0.1 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.1-0.15 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.15-0.25 m2

Preparing heads cross-sectional area: 0.025-0.05 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.05-0.1 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.1-0.15 m2 cross-sectional area: 0.15-0.25 m2

hours £ £

0.09 8.37 - 0.09 8.37 -


£ ratet

47.64 nr 56.01 69.82 nr 78.20

- nr 25.50 - nr 33.17 - nr 51.01

- nr 2.40 - nr 4.28 - nr 5.50 - nr 10.53

- nr 2.40 - nr 4.28 - nr 5.50 - nr 10.53

- nr 4.74 - nr 8.53 - nr 11.04 - nr 20.46

Item hours £ £


Steel bearing pi ... Steel bearing piles are commonly carried out by a 8pecia1ist Contractor and whose advice should be sought to an'Ive at 8CQ.Irate costing. However the following items can be used to assess a budget cost for such work. The item for number of pile extensbns includes for the cost of setting up the rig at the pile position together with welding the extension to the top of the steel bearing pile. The Items for length of pile extension cover the material only, the driving cost being included in Class P. Number of pile extensions

at each position - - - Length of pile extensions, each length not exceeding 3 m; steel EN 10025 grade 8275

Length of pile extensions, each length exceeding 3 m; steel EN 10025 grade 8275

Unit £ rate £

- nr 204.40

24.81 m 24.81 29.77 m 29.77 34.63 m 34.83 39.25 m 38.25 47.85 m 47.85 48.08 m 48.08 57.54 m 57.54 69.45 m 89.45 66.63 m 88.63 n.76 m n.78 91.95 m 91.95 84.74 m 84.74 96.85 m 116.85

111.86 m 111.88 114.79 m 114.79 139.54 m 138.54

24.81 m 24.81 29.77 m 29.77 34.83 m 34.83 39.25 m 38.25 47.85 m 47.85 48.08 m 48.08 57.54 m 57.54 69.45 m 89.45 66.63 m 88.83 77.76 m 77.76 91.95 m 91.95 84.74 m 84.74 96.85 m 116.85

111.86 m 111.88 114.79 m 114.79 139.54 m 138.54

- nr 91.72 - nr 114.85 - nr 137.58 - nr 180.50

Item hours £ £


FrocIlngham Steel bearing piles are commonly carried out by a Specialist Contractor and whose advice should be sought to arrive at ac<lIrate costing. However the following items can be used to assess a budget cost for such work. The item for number of pile extensbns includes for welding the extension to the top of the steel bearing pile. The items for length of pile extension cover the material only, the driving cost being included in Class P. Number of pile extensions Cutting off swplus lengths

section modulus 500 - 800 crri'/m - - - section modulus 800 - 1200 cm3/m - - - section modulus 1200 - 2000 cm3/m - - - section modulus 2000 - 3000 cm3/m - - - section modulus 3000 - 4000 cm3/m - - -

LX and LaI'8ll8l1 Steel bearing piles are commonly carried out by a Specialist Contractor and whose advice should be sought to arrive at accurate costing. However the following Items can be used to assess a budget cost for such work. The item for number of pile extensbns includes for welding the extension to the top of the steel bearing pile. The items for length of pile extension cover the material only, the driving cost being Included in Class P. Number of pile extensions Cutting off suplus lengths

section modulus 500 - 800 cm3/m - - - section modulus 800 -1200 cm3/m - - - section modulus 1200 - 2000 cm3/m - - - section modulus 2000 - 3000 cm3/m - - -

- nr 4_89 - nr 7_35 - nr 9.81 - nr 4.89 - nr 7.35 - nr 9.81

- m 8.78 - m 8.78 - m 8.78 - m 9.37 - m 11.24

- m2 18.54 - m2 21.85 - m2 19.38 - rn2 15.82 - m2 18.54 - m2 14.98 - m2 18.25 - m2 15.31

- m 7.48 - m 8.78 - m 8.78 - m 10.82


LX and La ........ - continued

section modulus 3000 - 4000 cm3/m - - - Extract piling and stack on site



cast In place Pile tests; 500 mm diameter working pile; maximum test bad of 600kN using non-working tension piles as reaction tripod

Pile tests; working pile; maximum test load of 1% times working load; second and subsequent piles

Pile tests; working pile; etectronic integrity testing; each pile (minimum 40 piles per visit) - - - Make, cure and test concl8te cubes - - - Preformed Pile tests; working pile; maximum test load of 1.5 times working load - - - Pile tests; working pile; dynamic testing with piling hammer - - - Steel bearing pIles Steel bearing piles are commonly carried out by a Specialist Contractor and whose advios should be sought to arrive at accurate costing. However the foltowing items can be used to assess a budget cost for such work.