Rule checker software has achieved increased inter-

est and is often regarded as one of the big benefits

by using BIM/IFC based software in the design

process (SmartMarket Report, 2009). Clash detec-

tion and check of doublets is one of the most used

examples. This is of course good examples on the

power of these software tools, but the rules are in

principle very easy on purely based on Boolean

expressions. These rules can also be implemented

parametric, allowing the user to change the “rule”

by changing the min/max values the components

are checked against. Borrmann and Rank (2008)

have used 3D Spatial Query Language on BIM

models to check out relationships. The operator

comprise of; metric (distance, closerThan, farther-

Than etc.), directional (above, below, northOf etc.)

and topological (touch, within, contains etc.) oper-

ators. Despite this can be complicated to perform,

the rules itself are simple.