The AEC industry is the largest industry in the

world (Department of Commerce, 2007) with

distinguishing characteristics such as highly frag-

mented organizations (Department of Commerce,

2002) unique projects, and relatively short period

of production, outdoor and unstructured working

conditions, and labor-intensive activities. Success-

ful completion of AEC projects requires collabora-

tion of numerous multidisciplinary and sometimes

geographically separated team members. Continu-

ous, accurate and real-time information sharing

among project participants is key to resolve con-

flicts, speed up solutions, and keep projects on

time and on budget. There are many reasons why

the AEC industry is seen as inefficient (Khanzode,

et al. 2006, Eastman, et al. 2008); among them are

its field productivity and its production methods.

While Building Information Modeling (BIM) is

able to change these two aspects, each of these rea-

sons provides insight into how data that supports

the positive value of BIM can help to encourage a

wider scale of implementation.