One of the main features of multi national

constructionprojects is theorganisationof the con-

struction process where different companies with

different cultures and languages come together

in an ad hoc manner in order to produce a sin-

gle structure. The inability to operate effectively in

markets with different working cultures/practices

and languages has thus been an important barrier

to the construction companies expecting to work

in multinational projects. The need to improve

communication skills has also been reflected by the

European Commission’s increasing focus on voca-

tional training programmes (Hagen, 1999). LAN-

CAM (Languages for Contract Administration

and Management in Construction) project was

one of the pilot projects funded by the European

Commission from 1999 to 2001. The project

aimed to provide multimedia e-learning resources

to develop language skills (English, German and

Spanish) and cultural awareness for professionals

working in the European construction industry.

The aim of the current project EVLAC (Enhanc-

ing Vocational Language Skills and Working

Culture Awareness of European Construction

Professionals) (LLP-LDv-TOI-2007-TR-048) is to

adopt the methodology and the results of LAN-

CAM project to Turkish, Austrian, Greek and

English cases. Two different questionnaires with

construction professionals and companymanagers

have been undertaken in each partner country (i.e.

Turkey (P1) Austria (P2), Greece (P3), UK (P4))

in order to analyse language needs of construction

professionals/companies. This paper will mainly