Beyond the Desert 1999: Accelerator, Non·Acre/erator and Space Approaches into the Next Millennium 285

J ean-J acques Dugnet, Sverker Fredriksson:j:, J ohan Hansson:j: and Enrico Predazzi§

t Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II, FR-63177 Aubiere, France

:j: Department of Physics, Lulea University of Technology, SE-97187 Lulea, Sweden

§ Department of Theoretical Physics, Universita di Torino, IT-10125 Torino, Italy

Abstract. A new model for the substructure of quarks, leptons and \veak gauge bosons is discussed, It is based on three fundamental and absolutely stable spin-l/2 preons. Its preon flavour SU(3) symmetry leads to a prediction of nine quarks, nine leptons and nine heavy vector bosons. One of the quarks has charge -4e/3, and is speculated to be the top quark (whose charge has not been measured), The flavour symmetry leads to three conserved lepton numbers in all known weak processes, except for some neutrinos, which might either oscillate or decay. There is also a (Cabibbo) mixing of the d and s quarks due to an internal preon-antipreon annihilat.ion channel. An identical channel exists inside the composite ZO, leading to a relation between the Cabibbo and Weinberg mixing angles.