Though QD arrays have initially been mostly studied in an attempt to improve semiconductor lasers, much attention has been recently devoted to the revolutionary prospects opened by the unique properties of single QDs. These artificial atoms allow to mimic in solid-state systems some of the quantum optics experiments performed on atoms since the early 80’s. Recent demonstrations of coherent control experiments on QDs illustrate this fruitful analogy [10]. We will focus here our discussion on the impact of QDs on two other fields, solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) and the generation of quantum states of light. A single QD can be used to emit triggered single photon pulses and photon pairs, whereas its narrow emission spectrum permits to implement microcavities very efficiently to tailor its emission properties. By combining both kind of effects, it is possible to control simultaneously the number of emitted photons as well as their quantum state and to build a solid-state singlemode source of single photons (singlemode S4P) as proposed [11] and demonstrated recently by our group [12]. This novel device represents the ultimate step in a field which has been extremely active in the last 15 years, spontaneous emission (SE) control in optoelectronic devices using confined electronic and/or photonic systems [13]. Before reviewing the development of this single mode S4P, based on a single QD in a pillar microcavity, we will briefly discuss its potential applications in the field of quantum information processing and quantum communications (QIPC).