Abstract Actual dismantlemen t o f th e Japan Powe r Demonstratio n Reacto r (JPDR ) ha s been carrie d ou t sinc e 198 6 using the dismantling technique s develope d i n the Japan Atomi c Energ y Researc h Institut e (JAERI) . Highl y activate d component s such a s th e reactor internals , the reactor pressur e vesse l (RPV) , an d activate d inward surface o f the biological shiel d concret e hav e bee n remove d usin g remote - ly operate d tool s to prevent radiatio n exposur e of workers. Th e actua l disman - tling o f th e JPD R i s proceeding satisfactorily . Thes e dismantlin g activities , especially dismantlin g of the biological shiel d concret e i s described in this paper . Keywords: JPDR , Decommissioning , Ar c saw, Water jet, Controlled blasting .