Fructokinase i s defective i n an inherited disorder, essential fructosuria . Fructose -

l-phosphate aldolas e i s deficien t i n the hereditar y disorder fructose intolerance .

N-acetylglucosamine (se e Chapte r 9 ) i s a componen t o f glycoproteins , connec -

tive tissu e proteoglycans , an d comple x lipids . I t ma y b e synthesize d i n th e

h u m a n organis m fro m fructose-6-phosphate , a s indicate d i n Figur e 18.17 . N -

acetylglucosamine i s als o a precurso r o f N -acetylmannosamine, w h i c h alon g

with pyruvi c aci d participates in th e biosynthesi s o f siali c acid .