Concentration Heat, see: Enthalpy T critical, 12 Henry’s constant feed, 11 equation, 9 Temperature lowering, 4 data, 74-77 LCST, 11, 331-338 measures, 21-22 High-pressure phase equilibrium UCST, 11, 331-338

Continuous thermodynamics, 12 experimental data, 365-374 Critical exponent, 12 experimental methods, 12-13 U Critical point

definition, 11-12 L Ultracentrifuge, 19 experimental data, 331-338

experimental methods, 11-12 Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) Density experimental data, 29-73

experimental methods, 16 experimental methods, 2-6 experimental data, 448-470 M measurement, 2-6 mixture, 17 Vapor pressure

Diffusion Molar mass depression, 18 coefficient, 10, 19 averages, definition, 20 experimental data, 29-73 effect, 2 distribution function, 11-12, 20 experimental methods, 2-6

O data reduction, 10-11 Enthalpy experimental methods, 10

data reduction, 13-16 Osmotic pressure, 18 Volume excess, see: Enthalpy of mixing excess, 17, 448-470 experimental data, 377-423 P molar, 9, 18 experimental methods, 13 Pressure specific, 17 partial, 13-15, 413-415 column inlet, 8

Enthalpy of mixing, 13, 377-412 column outlet, 8 Enthalpy of solution, 14, 377-413 PVT-behavior