Vol. 1: Lycopodiaceae-Hydrocharitaceae (1988) Vol. 2: Poaceae (Gramineae) (1990) Vol. 3: Cyperaceae (1990) Vol. 4: Araceae-Orchidaceae (1987) Vol. 5: Salicaceae-Amaranthaceae (1992) Vol. 6: Portulacaceae-Ranunculaceae (1993) Vol. 7: Berberidaceae-Grossulariaceae (1994) Vol. 8: Rosaceae (1988) Vol. 9: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (1994) Vol. 10: Geraniaceae-Comaceae (1996) Vol. 11: Pyrolaceae-Lamiaceae (Labiatae) (1997) Vol. 12: Solanaceae-Lobeliaceae (1996) Vol. 13: Asteraceae (Compositae) (1997) Vol. 14: Keys to Families (Dichotomous and Polytomous) Supplements to

Taxonomy and Chorology of Genera and Species, and Indexes of Genera and Species of Plants (under preparation)