The short time of the process of the photopolymerization in viscous environments such as oligoacrylates, allows neglect of the action of the diffusion mass transfer on the gradients. In this case, the dynamics of the photodecomposition of the initiator is determined by a system of non-linear differential equations as partial derivatives3•4

81/oX = -Eel, 8c/8t = -"(Eel, (1)

The common solution equation (1) is known5•6 and it is convenient to describe it through the dimensionless parameters r = 'Ydot, y = eC()X, where /o is the intensity of the illumination which falls on the surface of the polymerizating light composition, c0 is the initial concentration of the photoinitiator, which is accepted as being the same for all the layer of the initial composition.