The increase in polymer coating adhesion is the major factor of the successful development of corrosion-resisting technology. The gas-phase low pressure polyethylene is promising for protective coatings production because of its high physicomechanical and electrical properties. However, the low adhesive ability of polyethylene to metals causes the necessity of its modification. At present no universal approach exists to modifiers selection on account of complicated physicomechanical processes proceeding during the coatings formation and the problems associated with predicting the role which modifier functional groups play in the polymer-substrate interphase interaction. Therefore a problem of improvement of polymer coatings adhesion properties by searching for corresponding modifiers and finding out their functions in the adhesiveness strengthening is currently central. In previous work by Deberdeev et al. some primary aromatic amines (P AA) have been investigated.1.2 It has been found that they are high effective polyfunctional modifiers improving working properties and repeatedly enhancing an adhesiveness of coatings. The correlation between structural morphological changes taking place on modifying in the surface, middle, transition and borderline layers and coating properties has been studied. However, the reasons of coating-metal adhesion strengthening remained unclear.