The determination of radioactinium is discussed in section 12.1.1.

2.2 A lum inium

Various workers have described methods based on the use of pyrocatechol violet for the determination of down to 5 pg L 1 aluminium in natural water [1-4]. Automated procedures have been described [1, 2]. In one of these [1] the sample is preserved with 8N sulphuric acid, and after preliminary treatment with potassium peroxodisulphate, is mixed successively with 1,10-phenanthroline, pyrocatechol violet and buffer, and the coloured complex formed is measured at 590 nm. A flow scheme is given for the method which can be used to analyse 30 samples per hour with a precision of ±4 pg L 1 aluminium in the range 10-750 pg L _1 aluminium.