The military training community strives to meet ever-increasing expectations and challenges. One expectation is to support all levels of training from novice to expert. Supporting the full spectrum of training curricula, from basic knowledge acquisition in a classroom, or e-leaming, to on-the-job-training with embedded training and mission rehearsal capabilities, are all of great importance to maintaining a qualified Fleet. Challenges to the delivery of training include: 1) increased operational tempo and mission complexity, 2) the perishable nature of higher order cognitive skills and team behaviours, 3) reduced availability of instructors and role-players, 4) system deployment and usability, and 5) costs including travel and leave costs of personnel while at “brick and mortar” schoolhouses (Lyons, Schmorrow, Cohn, & Lackey, 2002). An approach to addressing theses challenges is to apply advanced artificially intelligent computer assisted instruction technology, also known as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (Chipman 2005), throughout the training continuum of delivery mechanisms. We propose that additional improvements could be realized across the training continuum by creating Augmented ITS capabilities that combine state-of-the-art ITS components with augmented cognition technologies, such as cognitive and neurophysiological sensing, and warfighter assessment gauges. This technology is currently being developed under DARPA’s Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress Program, also referred to as Augmented Cognition or AugCog. The resulting Augmented ITS will add a new level of capability to blended training solutions.