Skeletal muscle and its proteins are chemically, structurally, and func­ tionally complex biological materials. M oreover, the conversion of m us­ cle to a food, meat, involves many complex reactions and processes. Muscle is m ade up of fibers, the physiological unit of the cell, and fibers consist o f myofibrils. Interestingly, myofibrils are where the action is in both living and postm ortem muscle systems. In living muscle the myofibrillar/cytoskeletal proteins are the essential constituents of the structural and contractile elements, and in postm ortem muscle, modifi­ cations o f the myofibril and its associated meat proteins are essential for sensory product qualities and consum er acceptance. F urtherm ore, these proteins make up 50% of cellular proteins in skeletal muscle. T herefore, it is im perative that m eat scientists have a clear understanding of the chemical, structural, and functional role o f skeletal muscle proteins, espe-

dally the myofibrillar/cytoskeletal proteins, and their relationship to m eat as a food.