Lhca4 content decreased under high light (600 (¿mole m"2 s"1). The decrease in Lhca4 in high light is much higher than that of Lhcal. Bailey et al., (2001) believe that photosynthetic acclimation at different light levels is quite complex and perhaps distinct strategies for acclimation at high and low light may be envisaged. Maxwell et al., (1999) have investigated chloroplast acclimation to high light in an epiphyte Guztnania monostachia. Acclimation has resulted in a reduction in the size of chloroplast, thylakoid volume and granai stacking is a reduction in amounts of LHC I, LHC II and OEC 33. Maxwell et al., (1999) have concluded that the acclimation strategy in this epiphyte is different from the conventional strategies possesed by other plants. Therefore, this appears to be a unique strategy confined to the epiphytic bromeliads consistent with the epiphytic habitat.