T he C ity o f Philadelphia D epartm en t o f A viation (D O A ) is in th e p rocess o f construc ting a new 5 ,000-foo t-long com m uter runw ay (R unw ay 8-26) to be located to th e no rtheast o f th e curren t Philadelphia In ternational A irport. This runw ay will prov ide needed capacity to handle sm aller com m uter planes, thereby relieving congestion on th e tw o m ain 11 ,000-foo t runw ays at the A irport. A 1 ,000-foot-long segm ent o f this new runw ay will be located o ver th e to p o f th e E n terp rise A venue Landfill (E A L ) (see F igure 1), w hich is on the C ity o f Philadelphia W ate r