Figure 2.6: IEEE CODE OF ETHICS Preamble Engineers, scientists and technologists affect the quality of life for all people in our complex technological society. In the pursuit of their profes­ sion, therefore, it is vital that IEEE members conduct their work in an ethical manner so that they merit the confidence of colleagues, employ­ ers, clients and the public. This IEEE Code of Ethics represents such a standard of professional conduct for IEEE members in the discharge of their responsibilities to employers, to clients, to the community and to their colleagues in this Institute and other professional societies. Article I

Members shall maintain high standards of diligence, creativity, and pro­ ductivity, and shall:

1. Accept responsibility for their actions; 2. Be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates from

available data; 3. Undertake technological tasks and accept responsibility only if

qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure to their employers or clients of pertinent qualifications;

4. Maintain their professional skills at the level of the state of the art, and recognize the importance of current events in their work;

5. Advance the integrity and prestige of the profession by practic­ ing in a dignified manner and for adequate compensation.