The video display terminal (VDT) is becoming a critical area of focus in the age of nanoscience where computer displays are replacing of microscopy. The finest computer image in world vvill be little benefit if it is not coordinated with room design and seat selection. A viewer must be relaxed and comfortable over long periods of screen focusing. Glare reflections must nonexistent, especially from the screen surface. The background illumination level should not be too high as to "wash out" the displayed image, and the luminance level on the screen must be bright enough for a desirable range of brightness contrast the projected image. Avoid distracting background colors such as saturated reds or blues which can increase eye fatigue. Keep both keyboard and VDT low to avoid neck muscle strain. Frequent chin-lifting head movements and extended chin-up positions lead to discomfort and muscle fatigue. Select an adjustable fully ergonomic chair that can accommodate the various user body sizes with a concave seat pan cushion for weight distribution and back support. Avoid small video screens that do not dominate the cone of vision; symbol size is an important factor in understanding the image.