Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 49 H odgkins and N on-H odgkins L y m p h om a .................................................................... 49 Surgical M anagem ent........................................................................................................... 50 Laparoscopic Staging o f Abdom inal L ym phom as ............................................................ 51

In 1832 Thomas Hodgkin initially described malignant lymphomas as lymphadenopathy o f noninflammatory origin.1 It was not until the late nineteenth century, however, that the histologic criteria for the diagnosis o f lymphomas was developed.2,3 Since that time, the diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas have undergone much change with current management relying on a multi-disciplin­ ary approach involving medical oncologists, therapeutic radiologists, pathologists, and surgeons. The primary goals o f this team approach are accurate diagnosis, proper staging, and effective treatment.