W hite blood cells: Evaluation of the W BCs in the PB smear includes the percentages and absolute numbers of the different types and maturation stages ofW B C .

Segmented neutrophils (segs, polymorphonuclear cells or PMNs) are the pre­ dominant W BCs in normal PB. Variable lesser numbers of band form neutrophils (bands or stabs) may also be present and are an important reactive feature in pediat­ ric patients but of little consequence in adults. Table 1.3 depicts the morphological features of normal granulocyte maturation. “Left-shift” refers to the presence of immature granulocytes in the PB. Neutrophilia with a left-shift, including up to a few blasts, may be due to almost any condition that elicits a brisk inflammatory response. Granulocytosis with cells representing the full range of maturation and a prominence of mid-level maturation (myelocytic bulge) is observed in chronic myeloid leukemia (CM L). The presence of 5% or more blasts in the PB is rare with non-neoplastic conditions and should trigger a thorough investigation for clonal hematologic disease.