It is estimated that pulmonary emboli hospitalize at least 250,000 people in the United States per year and that at least 32,000 of those die from thrombosis. More than 90% of pulmonary emboli occur as a complication o f thrombosis in the deep venous system of the legs. Therefore, treatment and prevention of deep venous throm­ bosis will reduce the occurrence of pulmonary embolism. Another key point is that more than 90% of the deaths from pulmonary embolism occur in the first hour. Thus, management is aimed toward prevention of a repeat embolism and not treat­ ment of the initial embolus. It is estimated that the mortality rate o f untreated pulmonary embolism is 30-40%, and the risk o f pulmonary embolism from un­ treated proximal deep venous thrombosis is 50-80%.