Overview of the Trauma Airway In any p a tien t, securing an adequate airw ay should be the first p rio rity for the

physician. Proper use o f m edications an d p rocedura l techn iques will facilitate this task as well as m axim ize p a tien t com fort, safety, and therapeu tic benefits. T h e trau m a p a tien t dem ands special a tte n tio n to the airw ay for m any reasons. T hese include:

• T h e possibility o f anatom ic variables th a t cou ld m ake ven tila tion , in tu b a tio n , and p lacem en t o f a surgical airw ay difficult: facial fractures, neck/laryngeal traum a, local h em a to m a w ith mass effect, and d irect airw ay d isru p tio n sec­ on d ary to traum a.