The Thoracic Cage • Fractures o f th e ribs, clavicles, scapulae o r s te rnum , a lthough n o t life-th rea t­

en ing per se, are associated w ith significant com plications. • Fractures o f the tho rac ic cage shou ld always rem in d the physician o f the need

to evaluate underly ing organs, vessels an d nerves fo r p o ten tia l injuries. • R ibs are usually frac tu red laterally along the m id-axillary line, b u t rib frac­

tures can occur at any location . • Isolated rib fractures can be caused by relatively sm all forces. M ultip le rib

fractures, or fractures o f th e s te rn u m o r scapula, ind ica te m ajo r im pac t and shou ld increase the level o f suspicion fo r underly ing injuries.