The authors wish to acknowledge the support of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

(CNRS), University Louis Pasteur, the French Ministry for Research (ACIBCMS “Code genetique: mieux connaitre ses deviations pour comprendre son Evolution”), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) o f Canada and Commission permanente de cooperation franco-qu£beoise (projet 61-103) together with PICS program from CNRS. We thank C. Florentz for advice and comments, all our Strasbourg and Quebec colleagues for their contributions over the years, H. Grosjean (Orsay), M. Helm (Heidelberg), M. Ibba (Columbus), P. Romby (Strasbourg) and T. Suzuki (Tokyo) for comments on the manuscript and C. Cambillau (Marseille) who intro­ duced us in the structural biology of YadB via his high throughput structural genomics project.